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King of Poison
Arsenic is a crystal-shape metalloid
element, which is brittle in nature, and
gray or tin-white in color.
Arsenic is a natural part of the earth's
crust in some parts of the world and may
be found in water that has flowed
through arsenic-rich rocks. Arsenic is
also emitted into the atmosphere by
high-temperature processes such as
coal-fired power generation plants,
burning vegetation and volcanic action.
High concentrations of arsenic in
drinking-water are found in various
parts of the world including Argentina,
Bangladesh, Chile, China, Hungary, India
(West Bengal), Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan,
Thailand, USA, and Viet Nam. A variety
of instrumental techniques available for
the determination of arsenic in water
and air.
(WHO Environmental Health Criteria, No.
224: Arsenic)
Arsenic is
a Group-V element in the periodic chart
. Its atomic number is 33, and the
atomic weight is 74.92.
Arsenic cannot be found in nature as a
free element. It exhibits a broad range
of chemical reactivity with an ability
to form alloys with other elements and
covalent bonds. Arsenic precipitates
readily in oxidation-reduction,
methylation-demethylation and acidbase
Arsenic can not only create compounds
with oxygen, chlorine, sulfur, carbon
and hydrogen, but also with lead,
mercury, gold and iron. It mainly
remains as oxide, hydrate, sulfide,
arsenete, and arsenite. Gold, silver,
copper, zinc, iron, and other metals
exist with arsenic in these chemical
As many as 150 species of arsenic
bearing minerals exist in the earth. But
only three of them are considered as
arsenic ore. Because, the amount of
arsenic is higher in these three
compounds. Moreover, they are more
available than other arsenic compounds.
These three compounds are Realgar or
arsenic disulfide, orpiment or arsenic
trisulfide, and arsenopyrite or ferus
arsenic sulfide. There are differences
in the physical properties of these
three types of arsenic minerals. But a
common feature of them is a garlic-like
odour. Arsenopyrite has been primarily
identified as the main source of arsenic
pollution in the groundwater of
Bangladesh and West Bengal. When
arsenopyrite oxidises and mixes with
water, no smell is found in the water.
Arsenic burns in air giving off an odour
of garlic and dense white fumes of
arsenic trioxide.
Chemically arsenic compounds are two
types- inorganic and organic arsenic.
Inorganic arsenic are divided into two
types- trivalent and pentavalent
arsenic. Inorganic arsenic are more
toxic than the organic ones. The
trivalent arsenic is 60 times more toxic
than pentavalent arsenic. Trivalent
arsenic compounds are known as arsenite
and the pentavalents are as arsenate.
Usually there are four types of arsenic
compounds existing in water. These are
arsenite, arsenate, monomethyl arsonic
acid and dimethyl arsinic acid. But in
the groundwater arsenic predominantly
occurs in the tri- and pentavalent form.
These two were found in the groundwater
of Bangladesh and West Bengal.
The name of some inorganic arsenic
compounds can be mentioned here-
arsenous oxide or arsenic trioxide,
sodium arsenite, potassium arsenite,
copper arsenite, copper acetoarsenite,
arsenic acid, sodium arsenate, potassium
arsenate, arsenic disulfide or realgar,
orpiment or arsenic trisulfide,
arsenopyrite, arsine, arsenic triiodide,
etc.. Organic arsenic compounds include
monomethyl arsonic acid, dimethyl
arsinic acid or cacodylic acid, sodium
cacodylet, atoxyl, stovarsol,
sulpharsinamine etc.. |
Arsenic is a ubiquitous element being
widely distributed in the earth. Nature
itself is an adequate source of arsenic.
According to availability of natural
elements in environment, the position of
arsenic is 20th.
Arsenic is found in atmosphere, in the
aquatic environment, in soils and
sediments and in organisms. Different
minerals of arsenic are mixed with
underground rock. The arsenic contents
of the earth's crust is 1.5-2 mg/kg.
However, arsenic up to 550 mg. can
prevail in per kg. polluted soil.
Arsenic poison can spread in air from
the industrial wastes. Generally,
nominal amount of arsenic also exists in
water. Per liter natural water contains
1-2 microgram of arsenic.
Trace quantity of arsenic is also found
in most of the fruits, vegetables, fish
and meat. But high level of arsenic
exists in sea water. Food of marine
origin are much richer in arsenic than
other foods. Arsenic up to 5 milligram
can be found in per kilogram of sea
fish. It means human beings are getting
some amount of arsenic through air, food
and drinks everyday. But the arsenic
does not cause damage of human bodies as
its extent is very minimum. The arsenic
which are received through food is
generally organic. Its poisonous effect
is low in comparison to inorganic
arsenic. Usually a man can receive
arsenic up to 150 microgram for per
kilogram weight of his body without any
effect. But sensitive individual may
however fall sick for only 20 microgram
There are a lot of arsenic in earth's
bio-mass. Arsenic also exists in lava of
volcano. Geothermal system and uranium
and gold mines are sources of arsenic.
It occurs in the air in areas where coal
is burnt, particularly near smelter and
refineries. |
Arsenic compounds are mainly used in
agriculture, forestry, and industrial
processes. Arsenic tri-oxide is used in
manufacturing of agricultural chemicals
(pesticides), glass and glassware,
industrial chemicals, copper and lead
alloys and pharmaceuticals.
In agriculture , arsenic compounds such
as lead arsenate, copperacetoarsenite,
sodium arsenite, calcium arsenate and
organic arsenic compounds are used as
pesticides. Substantial amount of methyl
arsonic acid and dimethyl arsinic acid
are used as selective herbicides.
Chromated copper arsenite, sodium
arsenate and zinc arsenate are used as
wood preservatives. Some phenylarsenic
compounds such as asranilic acid are
used as feed additives for poultry and
Small amount of arsenic continue to be
used as drugs in some countries. As
medicine arsenic is used since the 5th
century BC when Hippocrates recommended
the use of an arsenic sulfide for the
treatment of abscess. Arsenic
preparations were used for the treatment
of skin disorder, tuberculosis,
leukemia, asthma, leprosy, syphilis,
amoebic dysentery etc.. Homeopaths are
also using arsenic as drug.
Besides, arsenic is used in the
preparation of dyes, poisonous gas,
transistor, as a component of
semiconductor, as a preservative in
tanning and in the industry of textile,
paper etc.. |
The arsenic pollution problem took a
severe shape in the present world. The
pollution has been spread more or less
in every continent. It occurs as results
of geological processes and different
development activities- agriculture,
exploration of mineral resources and
their processing-by human being. Arsenic
pollution took place in different states
of the world due to various reasons. |
(Source: Dhaka Community Hospital:
Hosted: May, 2001) |

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