9-5 Pacific |
Whole House Water Filter

Features of Whole House Water Filter: |
Filters every drop of water entering the house, providing clean water to kitchen sinks, refrigerator, bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, dishwasher, and
washing machine. |
4-Stage Filter with 5th Stage that conditions minerals
without salt or chemicals.
Premium, ultra compact, specially treated coconut shell carbon
and acid washed bituminous carbon is excellent for
adsorbing organic contaminants such as
chlorine, herbicides, pesticides,
industrial chemicals, trihalomethanes (THMs), and many
more poisonous materials.
The list is long and that is great for you. |
Catalytic carbon
is a class of activated carbon especially useful for
removing chloramines and hydrogen sulfide from drinking
KDF Media further
control heavy metals,
toxic gases, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, calcium
carbonate, magnesium, chromium, bacteria, algae, fungi,
and more! |
Fine silica quartz filtration media which removes
dirt and sediment. |
Natural water softener leaves healthy minerals in!
The patented multi-field water conditioning unit is a
critical component in every Water Boy system. The
multi-field module conditions the water non-chemically
by restructuring and realigning the polarity of the
mineral molecules, without removing the minerals from
the water. |
Optional 6th Stage Fluoride removal tank. |
15-20 years with no media changes! The backwash
cycle maintains media effectiveness. |
No maintenance required!
Back washes automatically.
"Set it and forget it"! |
Economical! For
around $20 per month, your family with have fresh, clean,
healthy water delivered to every faucet and appliance in
your home. |
The WATERBOY™ whole house system
uses 4 stages of filtration and 1 stage of conditioning.
(optional 2nd tank for
filtration of fluoride and arsenic)
Stage 1
A combination of
pharmaceutical grade
activated coconut shell and acid washed
bituminous carbon
is specifically formulated for taste and odor
improvement, while eliminating the harmful
effects of chlorine, disinfectants, and volatile
compounds. (VOCs)
Stage 2
Catalytic carbon is a highly activated
granular carbon manufactured by steam activation
of select coconut shell charcoal, which reduces
chloramines and hydrogen sulfide. It is
particularly well suited for low molecular
weight organic compounds and their chlorinated
by-products such as chloroform and other
trihalomethanes, THM’s.
It also has all
the adsorptive characteristics of conventional
activated carbons.
Stage 3
K.D.F. 55™
redox media consisting of high-purity
copper-zinc granules.
It is an ANSI/NSF
(42/ 61) certified EPA approved bacteriostatic
filtration media that controls microorganisms,
removes heavy metals, chlorine, and extends the
life of granular activated carbon.
Stage 4
An internal
sediment filter of fine
filtration media
which removes dirt and sediment in the water.
Stage 5
patented multi-field water conditioning
is a critical component in every Water Boy
system. The multi-field module stands head and
shoulders over any presently used system in the
world today. The multi-field module conditions
the water non-chemically by restructuring and
realigning the polarity of the mineral
molecules, without removing the minerals from
the water. |
Automatic Backrinse
The Fleck Electro mechanical automatic back rinse control
valve, automatically back flushes and repositions all
filtration media weekly, thereby enhancing the absorptive
capacity and extending the active life of the filtration
media for 10-15 years
What is the Result?
It’s water that feels better, tastes better and improves
every appliance that uses water. Conditioned water cleans
better and has a natural smoothness to it without removing
the calcium and magnesium. In contrast, traditional water
softeners add sodium or potassium to the water , which
requires regular cost and maintenance. With the WATERBOY™
System, you never have to add anything, which makes it
maintenance free.
No Maintenance
No maintenance is required because the system automatically
back flushes, rinses and cleans itself between two and four
times per month depending on usage. In most cases a filter
change is not required for approximately 10-15 years. You
don’t have to do anything except enjoy the benefits of fresh
filtered, conditioned water always tasting terrific.
Why Activated Charcoal (Carbon)?
Dr. Clark and other respected researchers have found that Activated Charcoal, or
Carbon, is the very best
product for eliminating polluted chlorine in your water supply.
Activated Charcoal is charcoal that has been treated with oxygen
to open up millions of tiny pores between the carbon atoms. The
use of special manufacturing techniques results in highly porous
charcoals that have surface areas of 300-2000 square meters per
gram. Activated Charcoals are widely used to adsorb odorous or
colored substances from gases or liquids. The huge surface area
of Activated Charcoal gives it countless bonding sites. When
certain chemicals pass next to the carbon surface, they attach
to the surface and are trapped. Also, Activated Charcoal removes
some substances by catalytic reaction known as
redox. (chlorine, for example).
We have carefully selected from many sources the
highest quality Activated Coconut Charcoal (Carbon) available on
the market. We pre-treat it with hot water so you can start using your Whole House Water Filter immediately—without an initial hot-water backwash.
Why Loose Carbon Media?
- Solid carbon media is subject to “channeling.” Channeling refers to water passing through least resistant path of the carbon pores, thus reducing contact time with carbon. The result? Your water can pass right through the solid carbon media on these “familiar, friendly pathways” with only a minimum of filtering! Loose Carbon Media, on the other hand, can be periodically repositioned by means of a hot-water backwash. This means that your water will not be able to establish those familiar, friendly pathways that enable it to pass through your system virtually unfiltered. With periodic hot-water backwashes, your Whole House Water Filter will always perform at an optimum level to provide you and your family with clean, fresh tasting water.
More on
carbon filters.
- Organic and Volatile Organic Chemical Contaminants Removed by the Whole House Water Filter:
- Below is a partial list of contaminants the Activated Charcoal Whole House Water Filter removes from ordinary tap water.
For a more complete indicator on these an other pollutants, please see this "White Paper" on
The Ability of Activated Carbon to Remove Various Substances From Water.
- alcohol
- benzenes
- butyl acetate
- chlorine
- chlorobenzene
- defoliants
- dyes
- ethyl acetate
- ethyl chloride
- formaldehyde
- gasoline
- glycol
- herbicides
- insecticides
- isopropyl alcohol
- ketones
- methyl acetate
- mercury
- M.T.B.E.
naptha (coal tar)
oxalic acid
potassium permanganate
sodium hypochlorite
tar emulsion
Please note that carbon medium is generally not effective in removing large amounts
of the following contaminants:
Bacteria, fluoride, arsenic, cadnium, iron and
other heavy metals, and radioactive materials. Some carbon filters can be configured to remove lead. Lead is generally NOT a problem with most public water supplies. It is old, lead pipes in the home that are the culprit. If you suspect high levels of lead, add
ionic filtration,
(redox), and /or get a high quality point-of-use filter like our
Wholly Water unit. More on lead
Why Catalytic Carbon?
Catalytic carbon converts adsorbed
sulfide (H2S) into sulfuric acid and
sulfurous acid which are water soluble, so carbon
systems can be regenerated with water washing to restore
H2S capacity for less frequent physical change-outs.
Catalytic carbon is created by altering the surface
structure of activated carbon. It is modified by gas
processing at high temperatures to change the electronic
structure and create the highest level of catalytic
activity on carbon for reducing chloramine and
hydrogen sulfide
in water. This added catalytic functionality is much
greater than that found in traditional activated
Safe and effective
More effective than conventional carbons; catalytic
activity promotes a variety of chemical reactions.
Faster chemical reaction means less carbon and smaller
equipment. Non-Impregnated carbon eliminates
worries about exothermic reaction, ignition temperature
and toxic disposal. Can be recycled and reused
through thermal reactivation
Why KDF (Kinetic
Degradation Fluxion) - "Redox"
is a patented media that is a giant step forward in water
purification. KDF media utilizes an old process in a new way
- the oxidation and reduction of ions, known as redox... the
principle of Oxidation-Reduction or Redox potential. Redox
media remove virtually any soluble heavy metal, help prevent
mineral hardness scale accumulation, and reduce levels of
Redox reactions, or oxidation-reduction reactions, primarily
involve the transfer of electrons between two chemical
species. The compound that loses an electron is said to be
oxidized, the one that gains an electron is said to be
KDF process media are high-purity copper-zinc granules used
in a number of pretreatment, primary treatment and
wastewater treatment applications. KDF media supplement or
replace existing technologies to dramatically extend life of
the system, control heavy metals, toxic gases and
microorganisms, lower total cost, and decrease maintenance.
KDF process media work to reduce or remove chlorine, iron,
hydrogen sulfide, lead, mercury, calcium carbonate,
magnesium, chromium, bacteria, algae, fungi, and much more!
Iron and hydrogen sulfide are oxidized into insoluable
matter and attach to the surface of the media. Heavy metals
such as lead, mercury, iron, cadmium and aluminum are
removed from the water by the electrochemical process. They
are attracted to the surface of the media, much like a
In short, the redox process works by exchanging electrons
with contaminants. This give and take of electrons converts
many harmful contaminants into harmless components, such as
chlorine to chloride. Other contaminants, including heavy
metals, bond to the KDF media, which greatly reduces or
virtually eliminates these substances.
Water boy
Multi-Reversing Technology Polishes your water!
Compare to Salt Based Water
Softeners: |
Superior Water’s Multi-Reversing fields technology,
patented since 1964.
• Reduces bad tastes and odors
from every faucet, bath and shower in the house
• Reduces hard water problems without adding chemicals.
Requires no maintenance
• Does not remove essential minerals, which also gives the
water a great taste
• Like most spring water, it leaves the skin feeling
refreshed and clean and leaves the hair feeling soft
• Requires no reverse osmosis. Provides clean filtered water
from every faucet, bath and shower in the house
• No wasted water
• No cartridge filter change, no maintenance.
• System cleans itself automatically once per week; uses
approximately as much water as a wash load of clothes
• Discharged water contains no salt and is applied to grass
or vegetation whenever possible, eliminating wasted water
• Fleck back rinse valve automatically cleans the system
• No maintenance or repair costs
• Eliminates need for buying bottled water. The convenience
of being able to drink delicious water from any faucet,
promotes the family to drink more water and contributes to a
healthy lifestyle
• Peace of mind knowing that every
drop of water flowing through your home has been filtered
and conditioned safely. |
Traditional water softeners developed in 1938 using
salt or potassium for regeneration.
• Does not filter water
• Requires constant addition of salt or potassium
• Removes vital minerals
• Salt residual left in home water makes water feel slippery
or slimy – a common complaint is, “I feel like I can’t wash
the soap off”
• Requires reverse osmosis under sink to filter salt from
drinking water at one faucet
• Reverse osmosis wastes from 3-5 gallons (depending on
model) for each 1 gallon flowing from the faucet
• Reverse osmosis requires filter changes
• Regenerates up to 3 times per week; wastes as much as 150
gallons per week
• Regenerated waste water contains salt and cannot be used
on grass or vegetation which it would kill. Many communities
are now becoming brine restricted; no longer allowing salt
laden waste water to be put down drains because it
eventually pollutes ground water
• Requires continuous maintenance and repair costs
• Many people continue to purchase bottled water for
drinking and cooking, which tends to be very costly
• The inconvenience of lugging bottles of water from store
and sometimes running out, inhibits the habit of drinking
water. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is the difference between the WATERBOY™ System
and a salt or potassium soft water system?
A. The difference between the WATERBOY™ System and a salt based system is that
the WATERBOY™ system does not require any salt or chemicals. The disadvantages
of a salt or potassium water softening system, is that it addresses only one
problem, and that is the hardness of the water, it does not filter the water.
Salt based systems remove calcium and magnesium minerals and exchange them for
sodium chloride or potassium chloride. The result is that there is salt
throughout the house, which you have to shower or bathe in, as well as the
additives the city puts in the water. Drinking the salt water is not
recommended, so a reverse osmosis unit is usually installed to remove the salt.
A salt system requires lugging bags of salt or potassium and/or having an
exchange unit that requires service people to enter your property on a regular
basis. Another disadvantage that we hear from our customers, who have had salt
systems, is that they have to replace their hot water tank every 3-5 years, due
to corrosion.
Q. What kind of maintenance does it require?
A. There is no maintenance, no salt to add, and no filters to change for 10-15
Q. What does the back wash control valve do?
A. The control valve automatically puts the unit into a back wash mode once a
week, which repositions all filtration media, washes out all of the filters,
regrades the beds and goes out a 1/2 inch PVC line to a lawn, garden or drain.
Q. Where does the unit get installed?
A. Most units are installed close to the main water line, which is usually in
the garage, or close to it.
Q. How much water is used for the weekly back wash?
A. It depends on the size of system, between 25-40 gallons, once/week.
Q. Do I need a reverse osmosis unit?
A. No, the WATERBOY whole house system eliminates the need for any reverse
osmosis unit, because there is no salt or potassium to remove.
Q. What are some of the economic benefits of the WATERBOY whole house system?
A. • No salt or potassium to purchase. • No maintenance costs. • No reverse osmosis unit, which requires regular costly filter changes. • Longer life for all appliances. (dishwasher, washing machine, hot water
heater, etc) • Extended life of plumbing, no replacing of calcified pipes or faucets. • No water loss from reverse osmosis unit.
(they waste from 2 to 5 gallons for every gallon they make). • No filter changes for 10-15 years. • No monthly charges. • No bottled water purchases
Q. How long does it take to install a WATERBOY System?
A. A WATERBOY system takes 1-3 hours to be installed.
Q. How do you know when to change the filters?
A. The industry standard is that 1 cubic ft. (of granular active carbon) will
effectively filter 1 million gallons of water. For example, the WB2000 has 1.5
cubic ft. of granular active carbon. The average family of 4 uses about 70
thousand gallons of water per year, excluding irrigation. This means that in 10
years 700,000 gallons of water would be used, and in 20 years 1.4 million. Since
the WATERBOY 2000 will filter 1.5 million gallons, it would take over 20 years
before the filters would need to be changed. If the filters are changed between
10-15 years, they are well within that range.
Q. What does the water taste like?
A. Superior water tastes like mountain spring water, because the minerals are
left in the water, which gives it a very clean and flavorful taste. As a matter
of fact, many bottled water companies are adding minerals to their water to make
it taste better.
Q. How do I know what size unit to order?
A. There is a relationship between the water usage, size of the house (showers
and baths) and the number of people living there. (If you go to the product
description page, it will advise you on the appropriate size system for your
Q. Does the Waterboy
filter remove fluoride?
A. No. Fluoride is growing
problem, as many municipalities have begun to add it to ur
public water supply!! This is beyond a travesty. It
should be a jailable offense!! To remove fluoride, you
would need to add the extra Fluoride Tank. (see below for
Read just a
little more more on Fluoride here.
is a WATERBOY™ whole house water
filtration system to fit every family. |
Great, fresh-tasting water from every
tap! |
No Maintenance! |
No filters to change for at least 10
years! |
Cleaner laundry and dishes with less
soap! |
No lugging bags of salt! |
No electric gadgets or extra tanks! |
Extended life on plumbing, water
heaters, and appliances! |
10 Year, Worry Free warranty! |
All Waterboy whole house
water filters feature the same pharmaceutical grade Granular Activated
Carbon, Catalytic Carbon, Silica Quartz, K.D.F. 55 (Redox Media), external
commercial Hydro Industrial fields module, double automatic valve, 1″ line
built-in bypass, and 1 Fleck Electro mechanical automatic back rinse control
valve. (Optional 3/4" external “R” module can be added for your hot water
tank. Also available with 1.5"-2" commercial Fleck Electro mechanical automatic
back rinse control valve. Helps control scale and corrosion from the hot water
Note for all units:
- For municipally treated water only.
- Installed inside or outside.
- Easily reinstalled to a new location.
- Prices do not include shipping ($100-$250), installation
($200-$400), or sales tax (in CA).
- Normal lifespan is 10-20 years, based on
water volume and source water condition.
- Does not address Fluoride very well. See the
optional Fluoride Removal Tank below.
Warranty on Tank / 10 Year Warranty on Filter Head Control
- Filter must be installed vertically (does not work
in horizontal position) with inflow, outflow and drain in
accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations to meet
applicable building codes.
- Additional costs will apply if you want to operate the
system outside USA on another voltage because you need
special transformers. If you live in a 220V area please make
sure to request a 220V a/c adapter for the main filter head.
- Dr. Clark preferred gas-powered water heaters over
electric water heaters. Dr. Clark was concerned that
electric water heaters pollute the water with metallic heavy
metals that are emitted from the heating elements inside the
electric heaters. When those heating elements quickly heat up to
hundreds of degrees they inevitably pollute the water.
Therefore Dr. Clark recommended people to get gas powered
water heaters installed at the same time they install the
whole house water filter. Gas powered water heaters
heat the water "slower" and are lined with glass that
protect the water from contact with metal.
- If you want to filter well water you will need
some kind of bacterial "pre-treatment"! We advise
getting an inline UV Water Bug Eradicator system (call for
purchasing those).
WATERBOY™ 8000 |

Ideal for
6,000 / 12,000 Sq. Ft.
60 Gallons/Minute |
- 18″ x 71″ tank |
- Ideal for 6,000 - 12,000 Sq. Ft. |
Approximately 3.5 Million Gallons. |
- 12-20 Years with
normal usage. |
Maximum flow rate 50 Gallons Per Minute |
Fluoride Removal Tank Optional |
WATERBOY™ 7000 |

Ideal for
6,000 / 12,000 Sq. Ft.
50 Gallons/Minute |
- 16″ x 74″ tank |
- Ideal for 6,000 - 12,000 Sq. Ft. |
Approximately 3.5 Million Gallons. |
- 12-20 Years with
normal usage. |
Maximum flow rate 50 Gallons Per Minute |
Fluoride Removal Tank Optional |
WATERBOY™ 5000 |

Ideal for
4,500 / 6,000 Sq. Ft.
40 Gallons/Minute |
- 14″ x 74″ tank |
- Ideal for 4,500 - 6,000 Sq. Ft. |
Approximately 3 Million Gallons. |
- 12-20 Years with
normal usage. |
Maximum flow rate 40 Gallons Per Minute |
Fluoride Removal Tank Optional |
WATERBOY™ 4000 |

Ideal for
3,500 / 4,500 Sq. Ft.
30 Gallons/Minute |
- 13″ x 63″ tank |
- Ideal for 3,500 - 4,500 Sq. Ft. |
Approximately 2.5 Million Gallons. |
- 12-20 Years with
normal usage. |
Maximum flow rate 30 Gallons Per Minute |
Fluoride Removal Tank Optional |
WATERBOY™ 3000 |

Ideal for
2,500 / 3,500 Sq. Ft.
24 Gallons/Minute
- 12″ x 61″ tank |
- Ideal for 2,500 - 3,500 Sq. Ft. |
Approximately 2 Million Gallons. |
- 12-20 Years with
normal usage. |
Maximum flow rate 24 Gallons Per Minute |
Fluoride Removal Tank Optional |
WATERBOY™ 2000 |

Ideal for
1,600 / 2,500 Sq. Ft.
14 Gallons/Minute
- 10″ x
63″ tank |
- Ideal for 1,600 - 2,500 Sq. Ft. |
Approximately 1.5 Million Gallons. |
- 12-20 Years with
normal usage. |
Maximum flow rate 14 Gallons Per Minute |
Fluoride Removal Tank Optional |

Ideal for
1,600 / 2,500 Sq. Ft.
14 Gallons/Minute
- 9″ x 54″ tank |
- Ideal for 800 - 1600 Sq. Ft. |
Approximately 1 Million Gallons Capacity. |
- 12-20 Years with
normal usage. |
Maximum flow rate 10 Gallons Per Minute |
Fluoride Removal Tank Optional |
Removal Tank
The Fluoride Removal Media
System tank comes with high-grade fluoride removal media
designed to completely remove or significantly reduce fluoride,
sediment and/or particulate matter from all of the water
entering your home for 3 years or 300,000 gallons. The Fluoride
system utilizes over 70 pounds of high-performing, premium-grade
media (known as Hydroxyapatite / Bone Char) which is
considered to significantly outperform other fluoride reduction
media such as “activated alumina”.
How it Works:
The water supply passes through over
70 pounds of premium grade, high-performing media which is
designed to completely remove or significantly reduce all of the
fluoride typically found in city/municipally treated water for
the whole house.
- Backwashes along with main
- Sizes: Under 5000 sq ft = 10 x
54 inches Over 5000 sq ft = 12 x 52 inches
- ($300 for replacement filters
at 5 years)
To receive current PRICING, just call or email today.
We can talk or email you a brochure
with current best price deals. Contact us before
the end off the month to get a 'coupon code' worth $500! |

Once you have made the decision to order a
Waterboy Whole House Filter, please contact us to make sure we
have considered all your needs. Credit
Card Orders are processed by Waterboy directly.

9-5 Pacific (12-8 Eastern)
Did You Know? |
Each year 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, storm
water, and industrial waste are dumped into US water.
- "How Infastructure Makes Water
Work for Us." In Urban Green: Architecture for the
Future. |
Approximately 40% of the lakes in America are too polluted
for fishing, aquatic life, or swimming. -
"Nonpoint Source Pollution: The Nation's
Largest Water Quality Problem." Environmental Protection
Agency. Accessed February 18, 2014 |
14 billion pounds of garbage are dumped into the ocean every
year. "Marine Debris."
- California Coastal Commission. 2014 |
According to Environment
America, 226 million lbs. of toxic chemicals were
dumped into 1,400 waterways of the United States in 2010
about water pollution, Waterboy water filters, Kangen water machines, Wholly
Water filter, The Vitalizer Plus, the P250 Ozone generator, etc. have
not been reviewed by the FDA.