This ONE
Water Filter Removes More Pollution Than ANY
Other Water Filter!
Drinking water
filters are no longer a luxury, they are a necessity!
After 10 years of researching water filter technology,
we have finally discovered the best drinking water filter in the
world! Period. If you still think cooking
and drinking with tap water is safe for your family,
think again. We urge you read more about
water pollution
here. Please remember, this bit of information is
just the tip of the ice burg. A good water pollution
filter should be the first thing on your list if you
desire true long term wellness and good health.
Ultimate Water Filter Features:
Compare to other water filters!
No replacement cartridges/membranes to
change! |
SAVE $1000's vs. other
filters! |
Estimated filter life is 10-15 years! (40,000 Gallons) |
Pristine water for less than 1˘ per gallon! |
Patented 5 filter bed, premium
layered system. |
17 lbs. of filter media!
Whopping 440 cubic inches! |
2 year Warranty! |
Flow Rate of 1 gallon per minute. |
Simple, do-it-yourself installation instructions. |
Self-cleaning by a simple back flush.
(3-4 months) |
Push-button, leak-free quick disconnects
reverse the water flow. |
Better than bottled water, Better than R/O.
Better than any other filter! |
Fits under almost
any sink.
19" height, 8" diameter, approx. 23 lb. |
Comes with its own long-reach water
faucet. |
Eliminates contaminants, but allows healthy minerals to remain!
A no hassle, affordable drinking
water filter!
heavy-duty, long lasting, under-counter drinking water
filter delivers the highest quality safe drinking water
at a dedicated faucet (included). Convenient! No
more hassle of changing filters, no more expense of
buying cartridges filters, reverse osmosis membranes, or
expensive service calls. The most advanced new
drinking water purification technology available.
This filter features a self-cleaning design:
push-button, backwash cycle used every 3 months or so.
"Patented design" features 5 large filter beds of
different filter media. Removes the broadest range of
contaminants, and does it to a higher water
purity for a longer time than any other
drinking water filter.
This water filter uses the latest innovation in
point-of-use, bacteriostatic drinking water purifiers,
making it exceptionally environmentally friendly.
Get as much pure,
filtered drinking water on tap as you want at any time.
Delicious, sparkling clean drinking, cooking, and ice
water with all the natural healthy minerals retained...
for less than a penny a gallon!
No ongoing costs for 10-15 years... Stop
paying high prices for bottled
water or
high-priced units that always require you to buy their
expensive cartridges.

U.S. Patent 5,205,932
Trademark Reg. 1,727,385
uses a patented leak-free, push-button,
quick disconnects to make the self-cleaning backwash
cycle quick and easy. A simple reversal of the in
& out lines, open the sink-mounted water fountain,
let it run down the drain 5 to 10 minutes, reverse
back, run a minute or 2, and you are done. Do this
every 3 months, and it will give better water at the
end of 6 years than most filters do when they are
Water Filter Removes These Toxic Substances and More!
The "Biggies"
(as (CHC13)
Nitrate (as N)
Chromium +3
Chromium +6
Silvex (2,4,5-TP)
Trichloroethylene (TCE)
Organic Herbicides
Other Inorganics
Foaming Agents
Odor Threshold
Organic Volatiles
(methyl tertiary butyl
2, 2-Dichloropropene
Vinyl chloride
Ethylenedibromide (EDB)
Carbon tetrachloride
Heptachlor Epoxide
1, 2-Dichloroethane
1, 1, 2-Trichloroethane
1, 4-Dichlorobenzene
1, 1, 1, 2-Tetrachloroethane
1, 1-Dichloroethylene
1, 1, 2, 2-
1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane
Tetrachloroethylene (PCE)
1, 2, 3-Trichloropropane
Organic Volatiles
1, 3-Dichloropropane
Dibromochloropropane (DBCP)
1, 2-Dichlorobenzene
1, 3-Dichlorobenzene
Trans-1, 2-Dichloroethylene
Cis-1, 3-Dichloroethylene
1, 1-Dichloroethane
1, 1-Dichloropropene
1, 2-Dichloropropane
Cis-1, 3-Dichloropropene

First Filter - Mechanical
• 5 large filter beds
• 4-micron-rated Anti-Channel Filter Disks
• 2 additional self-cleaning filter screens.
This type of
filtration removes suspended particles such as silt,
sediment, sand, rust, dirt, some cysts, and other un-dissolved
matter that can potentially clog the remaining beds.
Second Filter Bed - Catalox
is a naturally mined mineral, which has been used in water
treatment for more than 80 years.
Catalox works on
the principle of
catalysist reaction, but itself remains
relatively unchanged; this makes it last almost
indefinitely. Catalox is a specially formulated
20 x 40
U.S. Mesh size manganese dioxide possessing exceptionally
high oxidative properties. It is a granular filtration
media for iron, manganese and hydrogen
sulfide reduction, and works on a principle whereby the hydrogen
sulfide, iron and manganese are oxidized and trapped on
the media while simple backwashing cleans the bed. No
chemical regeneration is required, nothing is imparted
into the drinking water and Catalox has a high capacity
for low contaminant concentrations. It will also remove
chlorine without being used up like carbon. Chlorine in
municipal water supplies actually improves its
performance, making it remove more than it does on its
own and keeps the filter media clean. It provides a
higher level of contaminant-oxidizing power. It can
filter dissolved solids down to 20 microns. This keeps
many toxic materials out of succeeding filter beds for
purer drinking water and longer life.
Third Filter Bed -
KDF-55D Electro-Chemical/Redox Process
KDF (Kinetic Degradation Fluxion) is a patented media
that is a giant step forward in water purification. KDF
process media are high-purity copper-zinc granules used
in a number of treatment applications, including waste
water. KDF media supplement
or replace existing technologies to dramatically extend
life of the system, control heavy metals, toxic gases
and microorganisms, lower total cost, and decrease
maintenance. KDF process media work to remove
chlorine, iron, hydrogen sulfide, lead, mercury, calcium
carbonate, magnesium, chromium, bacteria, algae, fungi,
and much more!
KDF media utilizes an old
process in a new way - the oxidation and reduction of
ions, known as
redox... the principle of
Oxidation-Reduction or Redox potential. Redox media
removes virtually any soluble heavy metal, helps prevent
mineral hardness scale accumulation, and reduces levels
of microorganisms. Chlorine is instantaneously and
almost inexhaustibly oxidized. Tests on our appliance
have shown 99.9+% chlorine removal past 20,000 gallons
of water while a high quality carbon cartridge of
comparable volume drops below 90% effectiveness after
only 4,000 gallons.
Iron and hydrogen sulfide are oxidized into insoluable
matter and attach to the surface of the media. Heavy
metals such as lead, mercury, iron, cadmium and aluminum
are removed from the water by the electrochemical
process. They are attracted to the surface of the media,
much like a magnet.
In short, the redox process works by
electrons with contaminants. This give and take of
electrons converts many harmful contaminants into
harmless components, such as chlorine to chloride. Other
contaminants, including heavy metals, bond to the KDF
media, which greatly reduces or virtually eliminates
these substances.
The media also inhibits
bacteria, algae, and fungi growth throughout the entire
unit up to 99%! KDF process media control microorganisms in two ways.
The first is a by-product of redox; the exchange of
electrons sets up an electrolytic field in which most
microorganisms cannot survive. Secondly, the process of
forming hydroxyl radicals and peroxides from some of the
water molecules interferes with the microorganisms'
ability to function.
Chlorine 75 / 0.01
Arsenic 5 / 0.01
Asbestos 100 / 0.1
Cadnium 5 / 0.01
Chloroform 1 / 0.002
Chromium 5 / 0.01
Hydrogen Sulfide 10 / 0.01
Lead 2.05 / 0.1
Lindane Pesticides 5 / 0.002
Malathion 5 / 0.002
Mercury 1 / 0.001
Salmonella Bacteria
2000 per ml / 1 per ml
Coloform Bacreria
2000 per ml / 1 per ml
Silver 1 / 0.01
Trichloroethane 1 / 0.002
by KDF.
In a nutshell, KDF has several strong
1. Removes heavy
metals and inorganic toxins that other media do not;
so when it is used before our tightly packed coconut
shell, carbon bed (GAC), the drinking water will not
contaminate this filter bed, making it last many
times longer.
2. Is proven to kill bacteria as copper and zinc
ions are eluted through the carbon bed. It has EPA
approval as a non-toxic device for controlling bacteria
in drinking water systems. Unlike other media like
Silver impregnated carbon, which can be toxic and has to
be registered with the EPA because of it. This media
does not, and besides, it is much superior.
3. Removes iron, sulfur, and other common minerals
that at higher levels are very offensive to smell and
taste. These minerals are removed from the surface of
this media in the WHOLLY WATER
® backwash cycle so it can
remain clean to keep on working, protecting the carbon
bed. KDF reduces lime scale, mold, and fungi in your tub
or shower. (see
whole house filter
for more)
Harmless Protection – KDF is not toxic and does not
cause any adverse side effects. 100 percent recyclable!
NOTE: These upper 3 filter beds benefit greatly by
the quick and easy, leak-free, push-button, backwash
cycle built into every WHOLLY WATER®.
Build up simply washes away!
Fourth Filter Bed: Activated Alumina
NEW! A major
breakthrough in Fluoride and
Arsenic removal. Also
removes selenium. Our research has resulted in Wholly
Water® Drinking Water Purifier more effective FLUORIDE &
ARSENIC removal. Most of us know Arsenic is a poison.
How many of you know Fluoride is too?!! These stages
Activated alumina.
This is
state-of-the-art technology. The alumina we use is
specifically formulated for selectively removing arsenic
and fluoride.
Patented technology allows us to enhance
this purifier for specific contaminants without
affecting the broad range that it removes. (Please note
that Nitrates and Nitrites will be the exception.) Our
research has resulted in targeting arsenic and fluoride,
as they are extremely toxic and insidious. Their
toxicity is cumulative, and buildup in your body over
time. They are also very reactive and combine with other
common substances making toxic compounds. EXAMPLE:
Aluminum &
Fluoride. Aluminum is added to water at virtually all
water treatment facilities. It is left in the water as a
result of adding ALUM, a clarifying chemical. Fluoride
is both natural and added to water as FLUORIDATION. How
ever it gets into the water, it does not change the fact
that it is pollution.
"US Environmental Protection
Agency reveals that tens of millions of Americans may be
at risk from fluoridated drinking water." For more
on this, read this Article by George Glasser.
Read More.
Fifth Filter Bed:
SIX full
pounds of highest grade premium coconut shell,
de-dusted, Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC)!
This special, highly
activated coconut carbon has 200 to 300% the
contaminant-removal capacity of coal carbon used in most
filters. Coconut shell carbon provides a significantly
higher volume of micro-pores than either coal, wood, or
lignite-based carbon. As a result, it is more effective
than other carbon types in removing trihalomethanes (THMs)
and other chemcials from municipally supplied water. We
pack it tightly with special vibrating tables before
installing the separator disk. We use many times more
carbon than other brands of filters. 6 full pounds!
What does GAC remove
besides bad taste and odor? GAC is best known for its
ability to adsorb organic contaminants such as
herbicides, pesticides, industrial chemicals, and trihalomethanes (THMs), and many more poisonous
materials. The list is long, and that is great for you.
GAC does have many draw backs - most notably a short
life. Short because there are many things in water that
GAC will filter out. When this fine material has to
filter out sediments - iron, sulfur, chlorine, and even
calcium will plug it up. GAC has billions of microscopic
cavities and acres of surface area. The removal
capability is enormous. To waste this area on filtering
these other things robs it from its ability to do what
it does better than any other water filter media.
Most filter designs use
GAC as first stage media, which is why you have to
change the cartridges every few months. With Wholly
Water’s ® previous 4 filter beds, we have removed the
materials that shorten it's life! We keep it clean so it
can do what it does best for the longest possible time.
One of the other major drawbacks is that bacteria can
grow in this media. As described above with KDF, we have
solved that problem!
Sixth Media -
Solid Carbon Block
carbon block HYTREX 1.0 micron post water
filter can be added to make unpotable water safe
to drink from bacteria, cysts, and
parasites. The solid carbon block 1.0 micron
filter extends WHOLLY WATER® capabilities to
include 99.9% rejection of bacteria (E. coli)
and 100% removal of parasites & cysts
(Cryptosporidium and Giardia). A MUST for any
well water. Includes cartridge!
see more:
Cysts.... Real Pests in Our
Drinking Water
Even at 20,000 Gallons,
- This Filter Remains
Supremely Effective!
Filtration Tests at 19,952 gallons
CERTIFIED Independent Laboratory Test
Performed by an independent third party lab
Analysis No. 15836
Analysis No. 15836-A NSF 53-88
Douglas MacGregor
Test Results Summary of Wholly Water
Filter ®
WATER ® is certified to NSF / ANSI
Standards 53 (health effects) & 42
(taste & odor) to meet EPA requirements
under the Safe Drinking Water Act by
Terra Labs, an independent 3rd party
Protocol Chemical Challenge Tests
Drinking and cooking water consumption
for a typical family of four averages
less than 2,000 gallons per year.
The results summarized in the table
below are the readings taken at roughly
50 percent of the manufacturer’s rated
capacity of 38,987gallons, or
10 YEARS of use in your home!
Gallons Serviced: 19,952 @ 1
Gallon Per Minute Flow Rate
100% Arsenic, Cadmium,
Selenium, Mercury, Lindane,
99.9% Chlorine
99% Lead, Fluoride, Barium,
Methoxychlor, 2, 4-D,
98% Trihalomethanes
97% Nitrate Chromium +3,
Chromium +6
94% Silvix 2, 4, 5-T
99.7% Trihalomethanes
99.25% Trichloroethylene
98% o-Xylene and 1, 2
Dichloropropane and 1, 2
97.5% of : p-Dichlorobenzene,
1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane, cis-1, 3
Dichloropropylene, Ethylbenzene,
trans-1, 2 Dichloroethane, 1, 1, 2,
2 Tetrachloroethane, 1, 2
Dichlorobenzene, and 1, 1
97.4% Chlorobenzene,
96% 1, 1-dichloroethylene
95% Carbon Tetrachloride
95% Benzene
- More from
MCL Chemical Concentration
in parts per million
(mg/L) |
NSF Protocol
Maximum Allowed |
Water |
Unit Output |
% MCL Reduced |
Trihalomethane (TTHM)(as
CHC13) |
< 0.1 |
0.49 |
.01 |
98% |
Lead (as PbC12) |
< 0.02 |
0.15 |
.001 |
99% |
Fluoride |
< 2.0 |
8.17 |
.027 |
99% |
Nitrate (as N) |
< 10.0 |
30.0 |
1.02 |
97% |
Barium |
< 1.0 |
10.0 |
.020 |
99% |
Arsenic |
< 0.05 |
0.31 |
.000 |
100% |
Cadmium |
< 0.005 |
0.030 |
.000 |
100% |
Chromium +3 |
< 0.05 |
0.150 |
.004 |
97% |
Chromium +6 |
< 0.05 |
0.153 |
.004 |
97% |
Selenium |
< 0.01 |
0.100 |
.000 |
100% |
Mercury |
< 0.002 |
0.006 |
.000 |
100% |
Lindane |
< 0.0002 |
0.0006 |
.0000 |
100% |
Methoxychlor |
< 0.1 |
0.32 |
.003 |
99% |
Toxaphene |
< 0.005 |
0.016 |
.000 |
100% |
2, 4-D |
<0.07 |
0.31 |
.003 |
99% |
Silvex (2, 4, 5-TP) |
< 0.01 |
0.033 |
.002 |
94% |
Trichloroethylene |
<0.005 |
0.300 |
.001 |
99% |
NSF-42 protocol
tests for taste, odor & chlorine removal
NSF bacteriological protocol test
Bacteria Plate Count |
% Bacteria |
Time |
% Life |
Condition |
Influent |
Effluent |
Reduced |
Pretest |
Source Water |
510 |
--- |
--- |
60 Hour Stagnation |
650 |
--- |
--- |
Startup |
0% |
Challenge Start |
500 |
80 |
84% |
Day 2 |
Low TDS Water Test 80 Vol
+ 8 hr. Shutdown, Run to 100
520 |
65 |
88% |
50% |
8 Hour Shutdown |
500 |
50 |
90% |
75% |
8 Hour Shutdown |
510 |
60 |
89% |
90% |
Start 60 Hour Shutdown |
500 |
60 |
88% |
Restart Test |
510 |
7 |
99% |
100% |
8 Hour Shutdown |
520 |
65 |
88% |
120% |
Starts High TDS Test 80 Vol.
+ 8 Hr. Shutdown
500 |
55 |
89% |
High TDS to 100 Vols.
Start Low TDS Water Test
At 80 Vols + 8 Hour Shutdown
520 |
60 |
89% |
Other chemical toxins removed or
significantly reduced (generally 96%
+) when NSF challenge water is
passed through the Wholly Water ®
@ 19,952 gallons:
Organic Volatiles |
Benzene |
2, 2-Dichloropropene |
Dieldrin |
Vinyl chloride |
Ethylenedibromide (EDB) |
Heptachlor |
Carbon tetrachloride |
Ethylbenzene |
Heptachlor Epoxide |
1, 2-Dichloroethane |
1, 1, 2-Trichloroethane |
Hexachlorobenzene |
1, 4-Dichlorobenzene |
1, 1, 1, 2-Tetrachloroethane |
Hexachloropentadine |
1, 1-Dichloroethylene |
1, 1, 2, 2-Tetrachloroethane |
PCBs |
1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane |
Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) |
Pentachloronitrobenzene |
Bromobenzene |
1, 2, 3-Trichloropropane |
Simazine |
Bromoethane |
Toluene |
Trifluralin |
Chlorobenzene |
Xylene |
Chloroethane |
Chloroethylvinylether |
Inorganic Metals |
Chloromethane |
Dichlorodifluoromethane |
Iron |
2-Chlorotoluene |
1, 3-Dichloropropane |
Nickel |
4-Chlorotoluene |
Trichlorofluoromethane |
Silver |
Dibromochloropropane (DBCP) |
Trichlorobenzene(s) |
Dibromomethane |
Endrin |
Organic |
1, 2-Dichlorobenzene |
Trihalomethanes |
1, 3-Dichlorobenzene |
Organic Herbicides |
Bromoform |
Trans-1, 2-Dichloroethylene |
Pesticides, PCBs |
Bromodichloromethane |
Cis-1, 3-Dichloroethylene |
Alachlor |
Chloroform |
Dichloromethane |
Aldrin |
Dibromochloromethane |
1, 1-Dichloroethane |
Atrazine |
1, 1-Dichloropropene |
Chlordane |
Inorganics |
1, 2-Dichloropropane |
Dichloran |
Foaming Agents |
Cis-1, 3-Dichloropropene |
Odor Threshold |
Performance may vary depending on water
Under sink or downstairs setup can
also be "split" go to ice maker and
cold water dispenser. Even other
Do you want to have
pure drinking water at your
refrigerator or another sink?
Get this 3/8" to 1/4"
adaptor, or a 3/8" Tee
(Most refrigerators use 1/4 inch)

to 1/4 inch tube adaptor

Need extra tubing? 3/8 1/4
inch @ 20 cents a foot
Pressure Regulator is included
with the WHOLLY WATER Purifier
prevent water pressure from exceeding 60 psi and
to provide a continuous flow of water that will
not be over one gallon per minute. This keeps
the flow rate at the same levels that our water
purity tests are performed.
We will send
connection for a 3/8" pipe size. We also have a
1/4" connection available.
Water Alarm with Remote Sensor Included
Detects Water
and Sounds Alarm |
* |
Helps prevent costly water damage
which may not be covered by insurance. |
* |
Warns of leaks and overflows in bath, kitchen,
laundry, furnace, computer rooms or anywhere
there is a potential for leaks. |
* |
Circuit test bar ensures system
is working.
* |
Alerts user within hearing range
that water has reached desired level when used
to monitor the filling of pools, tubs, sinks,
aquariums and more. |
* |
An ideal backup system for sump
and bilge pumps in residential, commercial and
marine applications. |
* |
Sensor and alarm can be placed up
to 6 feet apart.
* |
Loud 85 dB (decibel buzzer).
Sounds for up to 3 days. |
leak detection:
Just place the sensor (suction cup up) at the lowest
point of the floor or other horizontal surface where
water collects. The alarm will sound if water bridges
between the two contacts. Alarm can be table, shelf,
or wall mounted away from the sensor.
For unattended filling of
bathtubs, pools, spas, etc:
Use the suction cup to attach the sensor to any
smooth vertical surface. The buzzer will sound
when the water reaches both metal contacts on
the sensor.
Did we tell you?!
We have found the best
single unit water filter in the
Now you have to.
When you're ready for one of the
best protections you can find for your family
against the onslaught of today's toxic world,
the Wholly Water System should be at the top of
your list!
The Ultimate Water Filter
Just $499!
Lasts up to 15 Years with
NO filter media
changes or repacking!
Wholly Water Purification System Includes
the Following:
5 Stage Patented Ultimate Water Filter
Dedicated Long-reach Faucet
Pressure Regulator - 3/8 inch
2 year warranty
® Drinking Water
Purifier fails to perform, it will be repaired or replaced
(you pay only for return shipping.)
To Order, please contact us by Phone or
Click Below to buy online.
Normally shipped within 24 hours.

faucet Color: Silver metallic.
Water Alarm with Remote
- Warns
of leaks and overflows in bath, kitchen, laundry, furnace, computer
rooms or anywhere there is a potential for leaks. It's cheap
insurance if you have any kind of filter.
Pressure Regulator

We send connection for a
3/8" pipe size, but also have a 1/4" connection available.
- Add $49)
Magnetic Energizer for
drinking water!
used to help the body heal itself!
Discover magnetic water.
By attaching a set to your
outgoing water line that goes
from filter to your faucet, it
creates a
NEGATIVE polarity
(North Pole). You may also add this
to your own existing drinking filter
water line. Plastic straps provided.
see more about magnetic fields and
water here
Considerations before buying:
1) The filter
measures 19" height, 8" diameter.
Make sure it will fit. Otherwise you may
need to locate it elsewhere, depending on
your home's layout. In this event, you can
get the extra fittings to place the filter
in your garage
or basement, or even the cabinet next to
your sink. We may need to discuss your needs
to get you the right equipment.
The drinking water filter uses it's own
dedicated faucet.
Normally a pre-existing hole is used. If
no hole exists, a whole can be drilled. You
may need a special drill bit for ceramic
sinks. Ask your plumber. Or, a hole can also
be drilled into the countertop, right next
to the sink, as in picture.
Click here to see easy install instructions. |
Featured Products |
Vitalizer Plus will rejuvenate you! Super cellular
hydration, increased cellular oxygenation, high alkaline pH, and

Water - The Most Powerful Water in Existence! Highly
alkaline, ionized, anti-oxidant rich, microclustered, powerful
living water! Flushes Toxins and Neutralizes Acid throughout
your ENTIRE body.

Ozone Generator. An ozone level of just 0.04ppm
in just 4 minutes has been shown to kill 99.9992% of all
pathogenic germs in water while destroying 99.9992% of all
pollutants in the water simultaneously!
Did You Know? |
Each year 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, storm
water, and industrial waste are dumped into US water.
- "How Infastructure Makes Water
Work for Us." In Urban Green: Architecture for the
Future. |
Approximately 40% of the lakes in America are too polluted
for fishing, aquatic life, or swimming. -
"Nonpoint Source Pollution: The Nation's
Largest Water Quality Problem." Environmental Protection
Agency. Accessed February 18, 2014 |
14 billion pounds of garbage are dumped into the ocean every
year. "Marine Debris."
- California Coastal Commission. 2014 |
According to Environment
America, 226 million lbs. of toxic chemicals were
dumped into 1,400 waterways of the United States in 2010