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Water Pollution Filters

Welcome. As the site name suggests, we offer water pollution filters and other great water products. These filters are an absolute necessity at home, but are also great for the office, business, restaurant, farm, etc... wherever you want to have clean pure drinking water. We've reviewed and sold filters for over 10 years.  We have yet to see an under counter water filter that out performs the Wholly Water drinking water filter.
For those seeking true vitality, clean filtered water may not be enough for you. Even the cleanest of water from public pipes is "dead", or void of energy and  structure. Read more about the Vitalizer Plus, magnets, and Kangen water for more on the potential for truly vibrant living water.
Long term health and well-being STARTS with clean water!
We urge you to comprehensively research the topics we discuss in this page. We're confident we have the finest water filters and water enhancers available.  The more you know, the more you'll appreciate these products. 

A quality drinking water filter is no longer a luxury, it's a necessity!


Our water is arguably the single most contributory factor in today's epidemic of skyrocketing immune disorders and other diseases.


Contamination of Public Water Supplies ("tap water")

Believe or not... our public water supply IS filthy and horrid! Tap water is so polluted, we'd need this whole page to discuss the literally thousands of carcinogens we can find there!  It's FULL of toxic cancer-causing substances! To make matters worse, these toxic chemicals and metal pipes have literally destroyed the natural cohesion and healthful properties of our water.   Our water is no longer "natural" water! 

“U.S. drinking water contains more than 2100 toxic chemicals that can cause cancer."  -  Recent report by the Ralph Nader Study Group, after reviewing over 10,000 documents acquired through the Freedom Of Information Act.

“...the risk of disease associated with public drinking water has passed from the theoretical to the real.”  -  Dr. David Ozonoff of the Boston University Of Public Health


Primary toxic poisons found in our water supply: Synthetic Organic Contaminants, including Pesticides & Herbicides

Volatile Organic Contaminants

M.T.B.E. - fuel additive
Pharmaceutical Drugs
Microbes and Parasites
Chlorine Dioxide
Total Trihalomethanes
Haloacetic Acids
Combined Radium 226/228
Beta/photon emitters
Alpha emitters
Inorganic Contaminants
2,4,5-TP (Silvex)
Di 2-ethylhexyl adipate
Di 2-ethylhexyl phthalate
Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD)
Ethylene dibromide
Heptachlor epoxide
Oxamyl [Vydate]
PCBs [Polychlorinated biphenyls] 
Benzene !!
Carbon Tetrachloride
Vinyl Chloride

More about public water contamination

Bottled Water

Even the bottled water we drink is not as safe as you might think. The manufacturing processes used in bottling still contain unacceptable levels of synthetic volatile organic chemicals such as those below.  Not to mention that this a totally unregulated business.  Many bottled waters companies simply use tap water, de-chlorinate it, then sell it to you as "Purified Water".

  • benzene

  • carbon tetrachloride

  • 1,2-dichloroethane

  • 1,1-dichloroethylene

  • 1,1,1-trichloroethane

  • trichloroethylene

  • vinyl chloride

  • inorganic substances such as lead, copper, mercury, barium, and cadmium-just to name a few!

More on bottled water 

Water Filtration Methods

If you're visiting this page, you already know to get yourself SOME kind of water filter or purifier!  What we personally like to see in a water filtration system is a comprehensive list of toxins removed, minimum maintenance upkeep, and also cost.  We thought this simple breakdown of common water filtration methods may help you better understand the many different products out there.

More on water filtration methods


A NOTE about Reverse Osmosis water filtration systems: 

RO systems do NOT remove microbiological contaminants. In fact, many home units are known to act as breeding grounds for bacteria - especially when the filters are not changed regularly!   One of the pivotal studies which conclusively proved that reverse osmosis systems acted as intensive breeding grounds for bacteria appeared in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, April 1991. p945-948.

In this milestone study, entitled "Gastrointestinal Health Effects Associated with the Consumption of Drinking Water Produced by Point-of-Use Domestic Reverse-Osmosis Filtration Units", individuals who drank water treated with reverse osmosis systems were experiencing gastrointestinal problems equivalent to those experienced in the Third World.

Structured Water?

Due to the FACT that our public water supply has become so toxic, an entirely new "science of water" has begun to emerge.  Besides the obvious avoidance of polluted water, scientists and doctor's alike have discovered that the varying types of molecular structures of water molecules are far more important to our health than we ever realized.

Homeopaths everywhere are discovering the wonderful world of "clustered" or "structured" water.  Specifically, the science of analyzing and creating different structured water has begun to reveal astounding facts.  A definition of "altered", "functional", or "structured" water might be as follows: 

"...any mechanical, electrical, magnetic, optical, or other process or combinations thereof, which alters the physical or chemical characteristics of water, thereby creating a new form or species of water... which when utilized by plants, animals or humans... demonstrates measurable and repeatable benefits to chemical, enzymatic, and general cellular functions".       

- Dr. William Tiller, Professor Emeritus, Materials Science, Stanford University

Click here for more on structured water

Hexaganal (NATURAL) Water Structures

Distilled Water StructureThis is what a normal, NATURAL collection or cluster of pure water molecules looks like when frozen under a microscope... a six-sided, hexagonal form.  What you see at the right is the energy pattern emitted by six symmetrically arranged water molecules. This arrangement of water molecules is created by the loose hydrogen bonds between atoms of hydrogen and oxygen in adjacent water molecules.

Biochemists and particle physicists tell us that this hexagonal form is the form which occurs naturally in pure rain, fresh snow and sometimes distilled water. 

It is widely accepted that this is the best type of water "structure" for

  • maximum hydration and cleansing of the body's cells;

  • maximum transfer of nutrients into the cells; and

  • is best suited for electrical communications between cells.

All of this remained unknown until fairly recently when extremely sensitive electronic devices were able to identify low-level energy patterns which are radiated from various materials, including water.  (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - as in the picture above.)

Finally, these same biochemists tell us that a healthy body's tissue has water molecule structures which are PREDOMINANTLY SIX SIDED as shown above!

"...the core of each DNA double helix is a column of water clusters...Small hexagonal water clusters fit into and through the hexagonal channels in cell membranes and inside the cell, swiftly delivering their goods and removing wastes."  Water as a Communicator - Institute of Heartmath Research Center
"...Aging is a loss of Hexagonal Water from organs, tissues and cells, and an overall decrease in total body water. Replenishing the Hexagonal Water in our bodies can increase vitality, slow the aging process, and prevent disease".  Molecular Water Environment Theory: Dr. Mu Shik Jhon

Click here for more on hexagonal water structures

Click here for an Abstract on Structured Water Research

Pentagonal (UN-NATURAL) Water Structure

Here we see another type of water molecule arrangement - one which has 5 molecules joined by the weak hydrogen bond. It also is a "clean" type of water but has an un-natural or deformed cluster structure.

Biochemists who have studied these water structures in both nature and in humans tell us that this type of "unnatural" water structure is found in humans and animals where the IMMUNE SYSTEM IS MALFUNCTIONING.  In particular, this type of pentagonal (5-sided) water structure is found in ALL protein systems that are disease producing.

This is indeed astonishing.  Whereas the six-sided water "cluster" (rain, snow) is found in YOUNG and/or HEALTHY individuals and other healthy protein forms; unhealthy individuals, older individuals, and protein systems which are prone to disease have this deformed, un-natural water structure.

Side note:  Biochemists and water researchers have determined that REVERSE OSMOSIS systems produce this type of pentagonal structure!


Mineralized or "HARD" Tap Water:  Completely Without Structure

This is the water that comes out of your pipes.  Here we have water at probably its worst energy state...  possessing no structure, no organization whatsoever, and according to biochemists, essentially useless in the three areas we noted above (cellular hydration, nutrient transfer, and inter-cellular communications).

Many dissolved minerals, such as calcium and sodium, and chemical compounds completely "de-structure" the water molecules, breaking the loose hydrogen/oxygen bonds illustrated in the "hexagonal" picture above.

Water which is produced by simple carbon, sediment, or even ceramic filtration procedures still contains the inorganic materials which produce the un-structured water product shown below.

Tap Water (un)structuredThe result is a "mish-mash" of water structures, similar to what biochemists tell us occurs in situations where proton densities are low(er).

Naturally, this brings up the next and perhaps most controversial question related to water treatment, filtration and purification systems... minerals in the water - do we need them?

Again, a very touchy subject.  We have looked over both sides of the argument and seem to see what the trouble may be (this is our opinion):  it is the TYPE of minerals and the particular MIX/RATIO of minerals that are relevant, all of which seem to be determined by the particular water source being tested.  (Is your water high in Magnesium, Fluoride, Aluminum.  Or maybe zinc, silver, calcium?  And are these very high levels? etc...)

Water accepts structure only if it contains minerals. It's the minerals that have the ionic attraction and repulsion, and the minerals that help form the lattice structure (hexagonal, pentagonal, or ZERO structure) in response to magnetism OR other structuring forces.  In cells, it's the minerals AND the proteins that, through ionic attraction, give structure to the gel in the cell.

When it comes to our current public water supplies, these concentrations of inorganic minerals are just too much for our bodies to handle. 

Do we want or need these inorganic materials minerals in our water? 

The consensus seems to be a resounding "NO". 

"Water Hardness" is the underlying cause of many, if not all, of the diseases resulting from poisons in the intestinal tract.  These (hard minerals) pass from the intestinal walls and get into the lymphatic system, which delivers all of it's products to the blood, which in turn, distributes to all parts of the body. This is the cause of much human disease.  - Dr. Charles Mayo (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota)

"The greatest damage done by inorganic minerals---plus waxy cholesterol and salt---is to the small arteries and other blood vessels of the brain (75% water). Hardening of the arteries and calcification of blood vessels starts on the day you start taking inorganic chemicals (and minerals from tap water) into our bodies."  Dr. Paul Bragg, N.D. Ph.T., from his book: "The Shocking Truth About Water"

"The body's need for minerals is largely met through foods, not drinking water." American Medical Journal

Continue your own research!


A Word About Water, Oxygen, and Energy

Drinking water is one of the very best ways to properly hydrate and oxygenate your body's cells.  By now, you have "heard" how good oxygen is for you.  Many safe holistic approaches to healing begin with Oxygen therapy.  Basically, here's how Oxygen is used in the body to produce energy in the body...      (Oxygen also is crucial for balancing your pH.)

Nitrogen + Carbon + Hydrogen + Oxygen = Protein

Carbon + Hydrogen + Oxygen = Carbohydrates

Oxygen + Carbohydrates = ENERGY


"...When the body has ample oxygen, it produces enough energy to optimize metabolism and eliminate accumulated toxic wastes in the tissues.  Natural immunity is achieved when the immune system is not burdened with heavy "toxic buildup".  Detoxification occurs when oxygen is introduced into the system".  - Dr. Norman McVea
"...Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life threatening disease.  The link between insufficient oxygen and disease has now been firmly established. The more oxygen we have in our system, the more energy we produce."  -  Dr. W. Spencer Way: Journal of the American Association of Physicians
"...The large majority of those infectious microbes that cause us so much illness and pain are ANAEROIC...a big word that means they live and proliferate best in environments where there is LITTLE OR NO OXYGEN".   - Ed McCabe: Oxygen Therapies: A New Way of Approaching Disease
"...Lack of oxygen clearly plays a major role in causing cells to become cancerous."         Dr. Harry Goldblatt: Journal of Experimental Medicine
"...Cancer has only one prime cause. It is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the body's cells by an anaerobic (i.e. oxygen deficient) cell respiration."   Dr. Otto Warburg: Nobel Prize for Cancer Research
"...In all serious disease states we find a concomitant low oxygen state.  Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease. Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease."   Dr. Stephen Levine - Molecular Biologist: Oxygen Deficiency: A Concomitant to all Degenerative Illnesses
"...The true cause of allergy is lowered oxidation process within the body, causing the affected individual to be sensitive to foreign substances entering the body. Only when the oxidation mechanism is restored to its original highest state of efficiency can the sensitivity be eliminated."   Dr. Wendell Hendricks - Hendricks Research Foundation
"...Oxygen is ideal as the main ingredient in any life form with a nervous system. Oxygen's conductivity allows it to readily combine with conductive organic materials for transmitting nerve signals. The brain and nervous system consume far more oxygen in proportion to their weight than the rest of the body....   The constant firing of micro-electric impulses across the synapses requires a great deal of energy. If there isn't enough oxygen available for the nerve cells to fire dependably when needed, the brain can't help but function less effectively."
- The Townsend Letters for Doctors



Drink a Lot of Clean Vibrant Water for Long Term Wellness!

For extra vitality and healthful living, check out these great water enhancers.



Featured Products

The Wholly Water Filter Does it ALL!  SIX recognized forms of filtration wrapped into ONE filter!   Removes ALL types of toxins, including VOC's, Organic and Inorganic poisons, including Fluoride, Arsenic, Mercury, Lead, Drugs, Parasites and Cysts, and more!  No other SINGLE filter does all this.




The Vitalizer Plus will rejuvenate you! Super cellular hydration, increased cellular oxygenation, high alkaline pH, and more.




Kangen Water - The Most Powerful Water in Existence! Highly alkaline, ionized, anti-oxidant rich, microclustered, powerful living water! Flushes Toxins and Neutralizes Acid throughout your ENTIRE body.



P250 Ozone Generator.  An ozone level of just 0.04ppm in just 4 minutes has been shown to kill 99.9992% of all pathogenic germs in water while destroying 99.9992% of all pollutants in the water simultaneously!




Did You Know?

Each year 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, storm water, and industrial waste are dumped into US water.  - "How Infastructure Makes Water Work for Us."  In Urban Green: Architecture for the Future.
Approximately 40% of the lakes in America are too polluted for fishing, aquatic life, or swimming.  - "Nonpoint Source Pollution: The Nation's Largest Water Quality Problem." Environmental Protection Agency. Accessed February 18, 2014
14 billion pounds of garbage are dumped into the ocean every year.   "Marine Debris." - California Coastal Commission. 2014
According to Environment America, 226 million lbs. of toxic chemicals were dumped into 1,400 waterways of the United States in 2010 alone.


Removes the BROADEST RANGE of Toxins!
NO filter media changes or repacking!
Lasts up to 15 YEARS or longer!
Patented System

The Wholly Water Purification System Includes the Following:

  • 6-Bed, 5 STAGE Patented Water Filter
  • Dedicated Long-reach Faucet
  • Pressure Regulator - 3/8 inch
  • Sonic Flood Alarm
  • Easy Instructions
  • 2 year warranty
  • Can split to feed Icemaker/Frig water dispenser
Chlorine - ALL Heavy Metals - PCB's  -  Organic & Inorganic - VOC's 
Radionuclides - Bacteria - Cysts - MTBE - Pharmaceuticals

Better than bottled water.  Better than R/O.  Better than any other filter!


Kangen Water - The Most Powerful Water in Existence! .

- High alkaline pH
- Ionized
- Anti-oxidant electron-rich
- Micro-clustered
- Active-hydrogen-saturated
- Oxidation-reduced, powerful living water! 

Kangen water Flushes Toxins and Neutralizes Acid throughout your ENTIRE body. So effective, it’s been approved as a medical device by the Japanese Ministry of Health & Welfare.

  The Vitalizer Plus will rejuvenate you. 
- Alkaline pH
- Energized
- Micro-clustered
- Super cellular hydration
- Increase cellular oxygenation
- Increase nutrient delivery
- Electron-rich anti-oxidant
The benefits of “hexagonal” water are well documented:  great for activation of enzymes, immune system support and greater metabolic balance.

Whole House Water Filter

One of the most effective ways to make sure your family is getting only the cleanest water possible to every faucet, shower, and bathtub is by using a whole house filter installed on the main water line that enters your home.

Filter every drop of water entering the house.
Natural water softener leaves healthy minerals in! 
Lasts 15-20 years with no media changes!  The back was cycle maintains media effectiveness.
No maintenance required!  Back washes automatically.  "Set it and forget it"!

Economical!   For around $20 per month, your family with have fresh, clean, healthy water delivered to every faucet and appliance in your home.


                                                                                                                         Call Today    951-303-3471     9-5 Pacific (12-8 Eastern)                                                       Copyright 2014

Statements about water pollution, Waterboy water filters, Kangen water machines, Wholly Water filter, The Vitalizer Plus, the P250 Ozone generator, etc. have not been reviewed by the FDA.